(Kirksville, MO August 25, 2022) – Kirk-Tran officials in Kirksville MO have issued a notice to increase fares on the Kirk-Tran buses effective September 1, 2022. The system is operated by OATS Transit, and administered by the Kirk-Tran board of directors. According to their board, the increase is due to inflationary cost over the last year that have affected their budget.
Kirk-Tran transportation is made possible by partial funding from the City of Kirksville and other funding sources. Fares will be increasing by $1. Starting September 1st, the new fare will be $3.00 each time a passenger boards the bus from inside the city limits, or $4 outside the city limits but within a 15-mile radius of downtown. Anyone wishing to make a public comment on the fare increase may send those to Kirk-Tran Board President, Ruby Watson at rwatson@standrews1.com
The Kirk-Tran deviated route runs Monday thru Thursday 7am to 6pm; Friday 7am to 9pm, and Saturday 9am to 9pm. You can find a list of all 20 stops along the route online at www.oatstransit.org/adair. Kirk-Tran demand-response service is available Monday – Friday 6am to 6pm.
Kirk-Tran is operated by OATS Transit, which is a non-profit transportation provider serving rural residents of any age, senior citizens, and individuals with disabilities in Missouri. Follow OATS Transit at Facebook.com/oatstransit. Residents of Northeast Missouri can call the OATS Transit office at 800-654-6287 about OATS Transit’s other service, including the Intercity Express that runs weekdays from Kirksville to Columbia.