The OATS, Inc. state Board of Directors held their last meeting of the year in Columbia on November 26, 2018. The following individuals were elected as officers for 2019:
President: Mel Sundermeyer, Holt Summit MO
Vice-President: Krissy Sinor, Springfield MO
Secretary/Treasurer: Donna Turnbough, Paris MO
Nolan McNeill of Cassville MO retired from the Board after serving 30 years on the Board. “Nolan has been an instrumental part of the Board of Directors for more than three decades, including serving as Board President” said Dorothy Yeager, OATS, Inc. Executive Director. “Our company has seen a lot of growth during his tenure on the Board and we are certainly going to miss him” added Yeager.
OATS, Inc. has been governed by a volunteer board of directors since the company began in 1971. At the November 26th meeting, the Board reviewed the annual report which showed during fiscal year 2018 OATS buses traveled 15.6 million miles and provided over 1.55 million trips. More than 45% of those trips were for employment, followed by 17% for medical transportation. Essential shopping, business errands, education, and nutrition make up the rest of the service delivery.