Our Volunteers
Volunteers and riders have always been the cornerstone of the OATS Transit business. There are several ways that you can support OATS Transit in your state and community. If you are interested in volunteering your time for OATS Transit, you can help with the following tasks:
Ride the bus with someone as an aide who needs extra assistance or support on the bus, or during their outing. We can match you up with someone, or if you already know someone who rides the bus, you can ride along with them as an aide. Be sure to schedule in advance.
Write letters/postcards or visit your elected city/county/state/US officials. Tell them why YOU need OATS Transit and ask them to support YOUR cause.
We need local bus match funding! We have 700 vehicles statewide that run cumulatively 11 million miles per year, which means continuous vehicle replacement. Can you tell us about local churches, civic clubs or college groups in your town that we can talk to? We will do the work; we just need contact information to reach out to them about doing a fundraiser or donating funds to buy you a new bus.
Hold a fundraiser in your community and designate OATS Transit as the recipient. These events must be pre-approved. We can send a representative to the event on behalf of OATS Transit.​
If you know of individuals or organizations that OATS Transit staff can reach out to or need help writing to your elected officials, please give us a call. Share your local knowledge with us and we will do the rest.
Call the OATS Transit Development Office at 888-875-6287.