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OATS Transit Receives Grant from Webster Electric Foundation


(Springfield, Missouri, February 14, 2024) – OATS Transit, a Missouri-based not-for-profit transportation provider, announced today that it has received a grant from Webster Electric Foundation Operation Round Up program totaling $10,000.  


These funds will be used toward the local match on a new vehicle for Webster County Missouri.  OATS Transit staff were presented with a check, and honored at a community event on February 8, 2024, in Marshfield MO.  OATS Transit provides transportation for work, medical appointments, essential shopping, nutrition, and other needs to individuals with disabilities, seniors, and rural residents of any age throughout Webster County.


“We are grateful that organizations like the Webster Electric Foundation and their Operation Round Up program are dedicated to giving back to the communities,” said Dorothy Yeager, Executive Director of OATS Transit. “Without the support from Webster Electric Foundation, these purchases would not be possible,” added Yeager.  


For more information about OATS Transit please visit their website at and find them at Webster County residents wanting to schedule a ride for transportation should call the OATS Transit office at 417-887-9272. We also have openings for drivers in several Southwest Missouri areas so we can grow our business.


About Webster Electric Foundation: Since the Webster Electric Foundation began in 1998 it has granted just over 2.4 million dollars in funds to non-profit organizations serving Webster Electric’s service territory. Webster Electric is a member-owned Electric Cooperative in Marshfield, Missouri. Webster Electric services approximately 22,500 meters in 7 counties with their primary service territory in Webster County. Members of Webster Electric who choose to participate in Operation Round Up simply agree to have their electric bill rounded up to the next dollar each month. That few cents is then transferred to the Webster Electric Foundation where it is granted to organizations serving the Webster Electric Service Area. Cooperative members are joining together to make a positive impact in their communities by participating in the Operation Round Up Change for Change program. Members of Webster Electric can contact the cooperative at 417-859-2216 to enroll in Operation Round Up.


Photo (L to R): OATS Transit Operations Manager Lisa Bailey; Webster Electric Office Manager Denise Holdman; and OATS Transit Driver Dale Stuart.



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